spheroidal adj. 扁球体的;回转扁圆体的。 spheroidal state 【物理学】球腾态。 adv. -roidally
coordinate adj. 1.同等的,同位的;协调的,配合的;【语法】对等的。 2.【数学】坐标的。 3.(图书、资料编目)交叉索引查阅法的。 n. 1.同等者,同等物;同位。 2.〔pl.〕【数学】坐标;(图书、资料编目的)交叉索引。 vt. 使成同等;使成同位;使配合;使(各部分)动作协调,调整。 coordinate with each other 互助策应[配合]。
Hydrogen atom in strong magnetic field : a high accurate calculation in spheroidal coordinates 椭球坐标下求解强磁场中的氢原子
2 . we present a solution to the scattering of gaussian beams by a concentric multilayered non - confocal spheroidal particle by taking a concentric two - layered one as an example . because the boundaries of these two layers are connected with two different spheroidal coordinate systems , firstly , the electromagnetic fields between the inner and outer boundaries are expanded in terms of the spheroidal vector wave functions with reference to these two systems , and the electromagnetic fields within the inner boundary with reference to the system for it 2 .以双层椭球为例,我们提出了一种研究同心非共焦多层椭球粒子散射的方法,首先把两层椭球之间的电磁场用对应于两个椭球坐标系的椭球矢量波函数展开,这两个椭球坐标系分别与两层椭球的边界面相联系,在每层椭球边界面上分别应用边界条件,建立关于各展开系数的方程组。